
Tag: bank

OTP Bank România raportează pierderi de 7 milioane de euro la nouă luni

În primul semestru, OTP Bank România a avut o pierdere de numai 242 milioane forinţi (circa 870.000 euro).   Provizioanele pentru posibile pierderi rezultate din creditele neperformante au avansat cu 43%, de la 4,86 miliarde de forinţi anul trecut la 6,97 miliarde de forinţi (24,4 milioane...

Danske Bank forecasts RON 4.45/€1 exchange

“Events on the political stage and perspectives regarding the result of negotiations with the International Monetary Fund continue to put pressure on the leu. We, Danske Bank, estimate an exchange rate of RON 4.60/€1 for the coming 12 months and of 4.45 units/€1 in...

Romanian bank loan losses expected to reach €10 bln

The financial institution estimates that the losses of local lenders caused by nonperforming loans could amount to nine percent of Romania’s gross domestic product (GDP), namely RON 43 billion (some €10 bln), almost one quarter of the total nongovernmental loan. However, this amount is...

Banks use internet banking to battle each other

“A bank is advanced, in terms of services, when the client does not have to come to the bank very often. Also, any branch generates expenses for the bank. I believe that, in future, lenders will have branches only in those areas where interest...