Businesspeople are also responsible for the crisis

Other messages from the President are: the exchange rate should be maintained between RON 4-5/€1, the single salary law is equitable because nobody is happy with it, and the wide budget deficit manages to cover salaries and investments.

“The first goal in the battle against the crisis, and the most important, was and continues to be the maintaining of an acceptable exchange rate, which must, under no circumstances, close in on RON 5/€1, or be below RON 4, which would block exports. In the past few days, the leu has not been doing well because of the strengthening of the European currency, but we hope to remain within the set margin.”

“The second goal was the financing of the budget deficit, which would allow us to maintain the planned level of investments, low as this is, of €8-9 billion. And, meanwhile, manage to pay salaries, pensions, and social security on time.

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